1. Have you registered? If not, please go through the registration process (there's a drop-down link from the HIGH POINT AWARDS tab above) and get your AHIP #.
2. Now, print out a copy of the AHIP Show Results Form at this link for each horse/rider combination that is competing and take it to the competition with you. (It's a PDF - if you can't find it after downloading, it may have gone directly to your downloads folder.) Fill it out for every class you are competing in, even if you don't place. You do get one AHIP point for entering a class in which you don't place - it's a participation point for all the effort involved!
3. Make sure the show secretary or other official in charge of the event signs the AHIP Show Results Form.
4. Be sure to get the form to us along with a copy of the event flyer or the URL showing the event on the web within two weeks of the competition date. You can e-mail it to Results@AdoptedHorse.org or upload it using the form below (preferred).
5. If this is your FIRST time this year submitting results for this horse/rider combination, pay the $35.00 registration fee. You may pay it online at www.paypal.me/horsesenseinc. If you prefer not to pay online, you may mail a check made out to HorseSense, but remember that it must be postmarked within 2 weeks of the date of the show or other competition. The $35.00 is a one time annual fee, so you only pay it the FIRST time you submit results in a calendar year.
If, for any reason, it is determined that you and your horse do not qualify for the program, your fee will be fully refunded to you.